Contra Risk-Consulting, LLC – Artur Janta-Lipinski
3545 Bobcat Village Centre Rd., North Port, Florida 34288
Contra Risk-Consulting, LLC is a detective agency with over 13 years of law enforcement and investigative experience, offering the same range of professional investigative services we currently provide in the territory of Poland and other countries of Eastern Europe. In January 2015, we extended our services to include the U.S. to the expanding list of countries we serve. From simple to complex surveillance and background investigations to infidelity cases and attorney support services, let our experience and reputation work for you. Our specialists can uncover hidden assets or detect someone’s whereabouts or behavior when it’s crucial for you to know. Based in North Port, FL, we serve both individuals and businesses, offering a full line of detective services in both the U.S. and Europe. We speak Polish. If you think you need a private investigator, you do!
Contra Risk-Consulting, LLC to pierwsze polsko-amerykańskie biuro detektwistyczne na Florydzie. Oferujemy pełną pomoc prawną, prowadzimy sprawy rozwodowe, ustalamy miejsce pobytu oraz majątek dłużnika, pomagamy w odnalezieniu osób bliskich i zaginionych, ustalamy stan finansowy przyszłego kontrahenta, sprawdzamy wiarygodność małżonka lub przyszłego partnera, prowadzimy śledztwa ubezpieczeniowe. Rozmawiamy po polsku.