Realtor / Polski Pośrednik Nieruchomości – Lee County – Jakub Adamowicz

Jakub Adamowicz 9

Jakub Adamowicz- Professional Realtor

13121 University Dr., Fort Myers, FL 33907

Collier County Office: 5633 Strand Blvd Suite 315, Naples, Florida, 34110

Jakub is originally from Chicago, Illinois. He then relocated to New York City and New Jersey. There he found his love and passion for buildings and architecture. Being the son of a major construction company owner in New York City, he worked hands on every step of the building process. Through his mother, he learned first hand at what it takes to be a successful realtor and working for his father he was able to learn the in and outs of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur in the Big Apple. Jakub now resides in beautiful Fort Myers, Florida. He is currently an undergraduate Cilvil and Environmental Engineer at Florida Gulf Coast University with hopes to obtain a Masters in Architecture soon after. Florida’s rapid expansion, being a highly sought after destination, is the perfect place for a young entrepreneur. This is one of many reasons Jakub chose to live in Florida. With much success in prior business endeavors in sales, he knew his potential would be endless in the real estate industry. Along with English, he is also fluent in Polish and can speak Spanish. He loves to help others and push them to reach their maximum potential. Jakub’s favorite part of working in real estate, is the ability to work with an amazing team and broad variety of clients from many backgrounds. Working with houses he is also able to carry out his passion for architecture and engineering.

Jakub pochodzi z Chicago, Illinoins, skąd przeniósł się później do Nowego Jorku i New Jersey. Jakub jest pasjonatem budownictwa i architektury. Jako syn właściciela dużej firmy budowlanej oraz pośredniczki nieruchomości, Jakub posiada obszerną wiedzę o budownictwie, prowadzeniu biznesu oraz pośrednictwie nieruchomości. Jakub mieszka obecnie w Fort Myers na Flordzie, gdzie studiuje inżynierię, aby w przyszłości zostać architektem. Dzięki swojemu doświadczeniu biznesowemu z Nowego Jorku, Jakub postanowił zaangażować się w pośrednictwo nieruchomości. Praca w pośrednictwie nieruchomości daje mu możliwość współpracy z interesującymi ludźmi oraz umożliwia kontynuację jego dwóch pasji: architektury i inżynierii. 

(973) 907-0211



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